
Tips and Tricks for uPVC Doors Maintenance

One of the golden rules of design is to live with what you love because that never goes out of style. So, if you have chosen uPVC doors as part of your home or office improvement project, make sure to shine them up like a new penny, else risk falling out of love with them.

uPVC or un-plasticised Poly Vinyl Chloride doors are roaring in popularity, and with good reason. These structures are light yet sturdy, easy-to-customise, non-toxic, secure, and ridiculously easy to maintain. But, even the best of materials demand their share of care. And, uPVC is no different in that regard!

So, if you are considering installing uPVC doors and are trying to ensure that maintaining them won’t be a hassle, learn all about the tips and tricks to show your uPVC structures some love.

Tip #1 Gather the Right Tools and Materials before Setting to Work

You can bring no deed to fruition without the right tools to aid the process. And, uPVC door cleaning is much the same. Here is what you need to care for your uPVC doors – a cleaning solution, dry and soft non-abrasive cloth, grease for lubrication, and some talcum powder for the gaskets. You can also use liquid soap or mild detergent solution instead of a cleaning solution.

As for the cleaning solution, all you need is some white vinegar mixed with water in a 2:1 ratio. Also, add some liquid soap or utensil cleaner to the vinegar-water mix, and your cleaning solution is ready. Equipped with all the raw materials mentioned above, it is now time to motor through the second step.

Tip #2 Say Good Riddance to Dry Dust Flailing on the Surface

Even before getting down to using the liquid cleaner, remove the dry dust and debris stuck to the uPVC frame and glass pane. No point dousing the door with a solution only to find dry debris scratch the surface. Take a dry and soft cloth and gently wipe the entire surface. Once it looks rid of dust and debris, it is time for the showstopper – our home-made cleaning solution!

Take the prepped solution and pour it into a spray bottle. If you don’t have a spray bottle, fill up any old shampoo bottle that has a pump nozzle. A pumping or spraying mechanism evenly distributes the solution in the right quantity and prevents overuse.

Tip #3 Start Spraying from the Top and Work Your Way Downwards

UPVC doors are so robust that the cleaning solution will only restore their old charm without hurting the surface polish. Spray the liquid from the top and let it spill towards the bottom and this is also the direction in which you will go about cleaning. The vinegar, soap, and water solution is suitable for both uPVC frame and the glass on the door if any.  

Make sure to look for grime in every nook and cranny of your door frame and spray on it twice or thrice. Once you are satisfied that the liquid is in all the right places, it is time to wipe the door clean. Here you must be careful to use a dry and soft microfiber cloth. Do not use a wet abrasive fabric or steel wool to scrub the surface clean as that may irreversibly damage the door’s finish. Once you have sprayed and wiped the uPVC door clean, take another bottle or a mug with clean water and splash some of it onto the door frame. You could skip this step if you did not use a lot of soap in your vinegar solution.

Tip #4 Grease the Right Parts and Ensure Smooth Operability for Years

Even though the main components on uPVC doors include glass and frame, one must not forget caring for the hinges, locks, and joints. After all, what good is your uPVC door if it cannot operate smoothly, right? Therefore, no maintenance of windows and doors is complete without greasing and oiling them.

All moving parts like hinges and other metallic components of your uPVC door must be greased and lubricated at least twice a year or each time you clean the entire structure. Avoid using cooking oil and use petroleum jelly instead. If you live in a particularly humid city, invest in store-bought grease. Do not lubricate wheels and cylinder if you have uPVC sliding doors. Doing this will cause them to malfunction. If there are gaskets holding the structure securely, sprinkle some talcum powder on them to ensure they don’t stick or malfunction. Any powder at home will do. 

And, That’s All Folks!

So, as you can see, maintaining uPVC doors is no rocket science. Instead, these structures belong to the ‘fit and forget’ category. Are you looking to invest in uPVC doors, but are confused about the glazing options at your disposal? Fret not! Reach out to AIS Glass for all your glass lifestyle needs. We are India’s leading glass solutions provider, offering glass solutions for a variety of needs – aesthetic, privacy, safety, energy-efficiency, and acoustic insulation.

Our team of experts is eager to help you with selecting the right glass, installing it onto the door, and proving excellent after-sales service. So, don’t wait before it’s too late! Get in touch with us today to know more about our entire range of products and services!

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